Friday, August 29, 2014

Rant in 5, 4, 3, 2 and GO!

I saw this silly meme on Facebook and it set me off. I have a number of reasons for being upset by it. It is a poor rendition of the quote by JFK about being a proud liberal, set to the idiocy of the right. Let me just line by line and break it down for them.

 “I’m a racist for criticizing Obama.” Yes, because you aren’t satisfied by just criticizing him when he does something bad. You criticize him when he breathes – just because he is black. We all know that, but yet you deny it. When you had no problem that George Bush did something, but you are incensed that Obama does the same thing – you are displaying your underlying racist tendencies. Be real with yourself because we can all see what lies behind your eyes and it is hate.

 “I’m a terrorist because I want to protect my 2nd amendment rights.” No, because you have no individual rights under the second amendment. What makes you a terrorist is your need to parade around in grocery stores with your penis strapped to your back in the form of a rifle. Look, we can’t help it that you were born without much of a package, but if that were me – I surely wouldn’t be advertising it. Grab a sock and stuff it in your drawers, leave your rifle at home and you’ll get a lot more respect. When you run around scaring women and children, you are only proving what a pussy you are. You aren’t standing up for anything.

 “I’m a TeaBagger for supporting the constitution.” You are not, in any way, supporting the constitution as I learned it. You are interpreting the constitution and imagining that it says what you want it to say in order to justify your being an asshole. I am a citizen too. I get to have all the same rights as you do. But you would try to use your version of the constitution to keep me from being equal to you. So, you are not upholding the constitution of this United States – you are defending the fake bullshit fed to you by Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. We’re sick of their faulty interpretation. You want to uphold the constitution, fine – but make sure you’re upholding the REAL one.

 “I’m a National Security threat because I speak my mind.” First off, you have to have a mind in order to speak it. You are parroting the words you learn on Fox News. Many of those words are treasonous in nature and threatening to the president of the United States.

 “I’m a troublemaker for asking unanswered questions.” No, you’re a troublemaker because you pitch a fit when you don’t LIKE the answers you are given. Part of being a responsible adult is getting along with others. That means you don’t always get your way. You have to compromise sometimes. Your inability to accept NO for an answer has got to stop. You just need to stop acting like spoiled middle-school cheerleaders.

 “I’m a birther because I question the documentation of the president.” No, you’re a birther because you insist on pursuing this line of questioning even after you have seen the actual document. Since you’re so hot on following laws, one of the qualifications for president is to be “a natural born citizen” and that means that Obama would not have even been considered by the Democratic party had he not been proven to be a natural born citizen prior to his 2008 campaign. To continue pursuing this is pure idiocy. Meanwhile, you are favoring Ted Cruz to run on the Republican ticket in 2016 – but guess what? He WAS born in Canada (and Canada is not part of the United States). He cannot fill either of the two top positions in this country because the VP slot carries the exact same qualifications as the presidency. Get over yourselves, birthers and get real. We’re done defending this. You’re just wrong.

 “I’m a traitor for exposing the corruption in my government.” Again, no. You’re a traitor because while you are quick to call out the Democrats for blowing their nose wrong, you allow your own people to accept blatant bribes, sell their souls to the Koch brothers, and pass laws that ultimately screw you – and you do nothing except cheer them on as they go at your ass with no lube. You’re a traitor because you are allowing your own party to completely corrupt our democratic process. By the time they are done, you will have nothing, and Fox News will have you blaming the black guy. You are allowing our country to be bought by corporate interests and you are cheering them on. You are calling for the complete, armed if necessary, overthrowing of our government. That makes you a traitor. Wake up and smell the coffee – they are using you and you keep going back begging for more.

 “I’m a conspiracy theorist for presenting documented facts.” Where? When I confront one of you online and ask for facts, you send me links from Fox News, Alex Jones, Wikipedia, or some other totally non-reputable source. I, on the other hand, usually provide you with multiple references to back up my arguments. You have no documented facts. You have the ranting of lunatics.

 “I’m anti-American for not towing the party line.” Really? You don’t see yourself following along in lockstep behind these yahoos? Are you really that blind? They send you emails and tell you what articles to comment on and what to say in your comments. You get lists of words and phrases to use in defending your position and “wrangling” with us low-life libtards. We don’t have emails – instead we have our own brains and we know how to use them. You would be totally lost without the crib sheet they provide you. Talk radio, The Hannity Show, Glenn Beck. They all give you the words to say. They tell you exactly how to react to everything. Take a step back and look at yourself. When was the last time you really READ something that wasn’t put in front of you by the nutcases on the right?

 “I’m a war monger because I support the troops.” Do you really support the troops? Are you supporting all the veterans that just had their benefits slashed in half? Have you lobbied on behalf of the guys and gals that came back broken from a war that we never should have been fighting? You don’t support the troops – you support war. That makes you a war monger.

 “I’m a greedy capitalist because I believe I am entitled to what I earned.” Are you really entitled to it? When did you earn it? Retirees all over this country are under attack and losing their benefits because of the capitalistic austerity measures being enacted by the people you think are governing this country well. They are slicing Social Security. They are slicing up our social safety net programs. These are programs that you are entitled to if you worked during your adult life. You cheer them on as they cut them down to nothing. On this battle – it isn’t us libs you should be fighting. We’re the ones that want you to keep these benefits that you earned. We earned them too.

You need to consider what you are fighting for. Figure out who your real enemy is. Stop listening to Fox News, Rush, Sean, Alex and Glenn and you will be amazed at how much clearer you will be able to think. They have brainwashed you for so many years that you are totally oblivious to the real life issues that are facing us in this country.
If by a “Liberal” they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties ... if that is what they mean by a “Liberal,” then I’m proud to say I’m a “Liberal.”
 – Senator John F. Kennedy 9/14/1960 New York Liberal Party Nomination Acceptance Speech